Around 14% of the European population speaks a minority language: that means in the region of 50 million people. What may at first seem like a limited audience, in actual fact is a market that offers great opportunities, especially for companies that are increasingly aware of the importance of guaranteeing customers a bespoke offering.
Minority languages in Europe: the main ones
According to the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, a minority language means a language other than the official language, which is spoken by a small number of people with respect to the greater population. This means they have a language that can vary significantly in terms of grammar, vocabulary and above all, cultural aspects. Let’s take a look together at the main minority languages in Europe that are recognised as official languages in their country.
Basque is an ancient European language currently spoken by more than 900 thousand people, especially on the border between Spain and France. It is considered to be an isolated language, hence is not part of a specific language family. The Spanish Basque countries are the three richest Spanish regions, built on strong national (and linguistic) pride. As such, translating into Basque is extremely important for garnering the loyalty of the client base in those regions and for consolidating your brand and products within the market. Not only: as it is one of Spain’s official languages, local companies produce and accept documentation and certificates in their national language and there is a high request for translations into Basque.
Irish, or rather Irish Gaelic, is the national language of the Republic of Ireland, one of the country’s two official languages and an official language of the European Union. Schools are required to teach in the language and there are more than 1 million speakers. The service sectors are the most developed on the Irish market. The country is where some of the largest multinationals are based, including lots of companies that have an international presence. This has triggered a boom in the service sector and seen the creation and growth of numerous companies that provide consultancy services and commercial assistance. Those are often local companies, whose personnel is Irish and proud of their national identity. Translating into Gaelic means earning the trust and respect of this proud population that are firm supporters of their national identity, as well as improving a brand’s reputation that is seen as being aware and appreciative of cultural diversity. Read our article to find out more.
Maltese is a language that due to its strategic position in the heart of the Mediterranean has had many different influences. More than 500,000 people currently speak Maltese and the most highly requested products amongst this population from this fascinating archipelago are in the finance sector, car sector, consumer goods and the sports market, as we discovered in our article. Translating into and from Maltese means tapping into a niche market, which is undergoing significant growth and that really appreciates brands that respect their culture, traditions and language.
Catalan is one of the most spoken minority languages in Europe, with 9 million speakers, who are mainly located in Catalonia, the Region of Valencia and the Balearic islands. It is one of the four official languages of Spain, therefore the demand for translation from and into Catalan is particularly high, especially in the industry and tourism sectors. The areas where Catalan is spoken are some of the richest and advanced in Spain and the local population has a notable disposable income compared to the average of the region. For that reason, translating manuals, promotional campaigns, brochures and materials will be useful for brands that are looking to rapidly penetrate an established market that has however a high growth potential. There is another important aspect to consider: when Catalan speakers go on holiday and discover that a hotel or a museum provides information in their language, it can be an important factor when choosing where to go. Naturally, being the official language of three autonomous communities in Spain, there is a considerable market for legal translations into Catalan for courts, public authorities and academic institutions.
Latin is one of the oldest languages in the world, and an important base for the development of many European languages. It has stood as highly regarded for centuries and its influence, especially in the technical-scientific, medical and legal fields is evident. Aside from being studied in schools, today Latin is still the official language of Vatican City. Obviously this language is no longer used for communicating and is mainly used in writing or orally for the purpose of internal Vatican documents and for the radio news broadcast by Vatican City (Radio Vaticana). Nonetheless, for a number of centuries, in a number of countries, all official documentation was drafted in Latin and managed by local dioceses. For that reason, there is still a good demand, especially relating to citizenship applications, for the translation of documents from Latin into modern languages.
Why Traducendo is the ideal partner for translating into minority languages
Minority languages have an often overlooked potential. Naturally, they are not needed to enter new markets however they are fundamental in terms of customer loyalty and consolidating a company’s image. Furthermore, they are important for raising brand awareness and guaranteeing segments in highly saturated markets, where standing out from the crowd can often prove to be a challenge.
Traducendo Ltd relies on a broad network of collaborators, including professional translators, who can translate to and from Basque, Irish, Maltese, Catalan and Latin. Would you like to raise your company’s profile? Contact us for a quote and we will help you acquire new market shares through accurate and effective communications that really stand out to customers.